My goals for the day were to hopefully meet John Ratzenberger, you weren't able to reserve tickets for him online, to enjoy the Dr. Who experience, and of course, to relish in my Star Wars fan galaxy! I also wanted to mingle with a few Trekkies and see families enjoying the event!
We arrived at the Convention Center at 8:30 am, with the general admission opening at 10:00. The crowds were overwhelming at 8:30, so it really does pay to buy online!
Lots and Lots of Fans - and standing in line!
Our day started off with the anticipation for fun, and we were pleased and exhausted by the end! I've compiled a photo blog of our out-of-this-world day: see how we got our Geek on at the New Orleans Comic Con!
I wore my Death Star Skirt and Annie, her Tardis Shirt!
The Whovians
Cute Dr. Who TuTus!
All the Bad Guys in 1: Runner UP in Costume Contest
Mom and Her Who-Girls
Are You My Mummy?
TARDIS at Comic Con?
My Disney Side
501st Charity Photo Op
501st Blast a Trooper Charity Drive
The Force Was With This Comic Con
Disney Character Great! John Ratzenberger
Louisiana/Mississippi Rebel Legion Recruitment Center
All In the Star Wars Family: Even the Littlest Jedi
Disney Princesses
TRON: Geek Girls With Guns Charity
Mandalorian Mercs
Chewie Hug! I had my flats on by this time - but still a Tall Chewie!
Mad Hatter Was Crazy! : Also with Geek Girls with Guns Charity
Star Wars and Legos - A Great Legacy
Fan Girl Favs
Breaking Bad, Yo!
My Favorite Mash Up! I didn't tell her she was doomed!
Quidditch Anyone?
I was able to achieve all my goals and have a geeky-good time! Did you notice the family involvement? Star Wars has a big family base, and despite the scary undertones, so does Dr. Who. I was ecstatic to see so many kids and adults, all of us having a great Fan Day at Wizard World New Orleans!
And my favorite way to end a day in New Orleans, Cafe du Monde!
One Big Bummer: The Event Planners did not plan for the larger than normal turn out for Matt Smith. The floor closing at an early 7pm, prevented all the Whovians from getting last minute gadgets and gear. I was also unable to pick up my Dean Cain picture because of the Matt Smith show, and was told "sorry".
Heading to New Orleans for Mardi Gras or Crescent City Classic? Let me help you plan your stay!
Contact me at kesselrunner77@gmail.com
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