Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tips to Surviving Fast Food on your Road Trip

We are all guilty of veering off course while on vacation:  we go for the forbidden milkshake or the mindset that vacation calories don't count! 

However a bad diet, even on vacation, can easily undo your last great workout or all the hard work over the last few months!

To make matters worse for me, I hate looking at menus so I just order what I know is easy: so, I am having to train myself to think and not order thoughtlessly.  In order to stick to my SMART goals, I need to reduce total fat intake hitting the road this summer and here is how I am going to approach it:

1.  Research.  Look up nutrition facts on your smartphone before you step inside: you might be surprised at how your calories will add up.

2.  Skip the fries and chips.  Although potatoes are high in potassium, they become unhealthy and loaded with fat when fried.  I will opt instead for apple slices.  Even though apples are listed on the kids menu,  they will still sell them a la carte, with some restaurants substituting in the combo meal.  Subway, McDonald's, and Panera will all give you apples as an option.

3.  Choose Grilled Chicken.  I love cheese burgers with chili and onions.  However, I will put that craving aside and choose grilled chicken.  Grilled chicken salads are my favorite, and I also like chicken wraps to avoid the highly processed flour in buns.

4.  Hold the Mayo and Ketchup.  The regular varieties of Mayonnaise and Ketchup served on your fast food bun are going to contain a lot of sugar, so go for the Mustard.  It may take you a while to get used to, but common yellow mustard is low in sugar and a solid choice for any sandwich.

5. Choose Water.  There is a lot of controversy over diet sodas and we know the sugar-filled varieties are not good for us:  ask for water or unsweetened tea.

6.  Don't Get Pulled In.  Take time to explore past the exits and the fast foods neon signs.  Use your smartphone and find a Deli or Grocery where you can get a better meal!

How do you manage dining on your Road Trip?  I'd love to add your tips to my list!

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