Tuesday, June 14, 2016

3 Things that are Stealing Your Progress

3 Things Stealing your Progress

Anyone on a Fitness/ Weight Loss/ Inches Loss Journey know that progress can be slow or just stop all together.  After a closer look at what I was and was not doing, I found 3 things or behaviors stealing my progress!

1. An Overloaded Smoothie
The idea of "smoothie" sounds nutritious!  And so does all the stuff I put in them:  A banana, Greek yogurt, peanut butter.  But, our protein smoothies were designed to be nutritious and a complete meal in and of themselves.  Adding additional foods can create a heap of calories that were unaccounted for!  Protein Powder + 1 banana + yogurt + almond milk + peanut butter jumped my smoothie from 180 calories to 500 calories!!!  And maybe you are picking yours up at the Smoothie Store - double check all those ingredients!  It's time to trim the extras! 

2.  No Accountability
How Many Calories Did I Eat Today?  How Many Steps Did I Do Today? I have absolutely no idea!  Why?  I've just been way too busy to keep track!  So, Whoa!  I need to slow down and manage that!  If I have no idea what I've done or eaten, then there is no way I can manage it.  It's like a budget, if you don't have one, you can't save.  Knowing is power to success.

3.  Not Enough Water
Why is it so hard to drink water?  It seems impossible some days for me to drink water at work; I am just busy, I don't like the water fountain, and I'm just busy.  But Water is essential in Fitness!

And all 3 of these things not only rob us as individuals but also our family fitness as well!  Teaching your children early to eat healthy, set goals, track them, and drink plenty of water are life skills!

What do you think? 

I'll be addressing each one of these over the coming weeks, and I'd like to know what else do you think is stealing our progress?


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